.\" Generated by scdoc 1.11.3 .\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .nh .ad l .\" Begin generated content: .TH "sfxd" "5" "2024-04-30" .PP .SH NAME .PP sfxd - configuration file and client commands list .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Both configuration file and sfxc(1) commands use the same set of instructions.\& .PP Configuration file is \fBnot\fR loaded automatically, unless specified with `-C [path]` flag, but it can be loaded at a run-time via \fBsource\fR command.\& .PP .SH COMMANDS LIST .PP \fBload NAME FILE\fR Loads specified sound file and stores it under given key.\& .br When given key is already in use, it SHOULD be replaced with the new sound file.\& .br \fB\fRNAME\fB\fR is a string with no spaces, does not support escaping and used as a primary key for accessing loaded sound later.\& .br \fB\fRFILE\fB\fR is an absolute path to a sound file to be loaded.\& Only WAV and MP3 files are supported.\& .PP \fBplay NAME\fR Plays the sound with default pitch and volume.\& .br \fB\fRNAME\fB\fR is a key, used when \fBload\fRing a file.\& .PP \fBplay:rs NAME\fR Plays the sound with randomized pitch.\& .br Pitch range is specified with \fBset:pitch\fR command.\& .br \fB\fRNAME\fB\fR is a key, used when \fBload\fRing a file.\& .PP \fBset:pitch NAME MIN MAX\fR Sets the pitch range for \fBplay:rs\fR .br \fB\fRNAME\fB\fR is a key, used when \fBload\fRing a file.\& .br \fB\fRMIN\fB\fR is the minimum pitch.\& Can'\&t be less than 0.\& .br \fB\fRMAX\fB\fR is the maximum pitch.\& Can'\&t be less than 0.\& .br NOTE: if MAX is smaller than MIN, they are swapped.\& .PP \fBset:volume NAME VOLUME\fR Changes loudness for \fBplay\fR and \fBplay:rs\fR commands.\& .br \fB\fRNAME\fB\fR is a key, used when \fBload\fRing a file.\& .br \fB\fRVOLUME\fB\fR is the volume to be set.\& Can'\&t be outside of 0.\&.\&1 range .PP \fBsource PATH\fR Loads instructions from the configuration file.\& .br \fB\fRPATH\fB\fR is the file path for the configuration file.\& .br NOTE: there is a limit on how deep inclusion can go.\& By default it'\&s set to 32.\& .PP \fBfind QUERY\fR Search for loaded sounds by a substring.\& .br \fB\fRQUERY\fB\fR is a substring to search for.\& .PP \fBlist [QUERY]\fR Prints out all loaded sounds that match an optional query.\& .br \fB\fRQUERY\fB\fR is a fnmatch-compatible pattern.\& .PP \fBls [QUERY]\fR - an alias for \fB\fRlist\fB\fR .PP .SH DEBUG COMMANDS .PP \fBdbg:dump\fR Dumps contents of the hashmap.\& .br Prints each position of allocated hashmap and corresponding contents.\& .br Empty areas are shown as `(unused)`, while used ones contain volume, pitch range, calculated hash, key and file path.\& .PP \fBdbg:counters\fR Shows internal counters.\& Can be disabled at the compile-time.\& .br - `.\&pool_read` - number of reads .br - `.\&pool_write` - number of writes .br - `.\&hash_misses_read` - number of missed reads due to collision .br - `.\&hash_misses_write` - number of collisions in the map .br - `.\&pool.\&use` - number of used cells .br - `.\&pool.\&cap` - hashmap capacity .PP