""" mastoposter - configurable reposter from Mastodon-compatible Fediverse servers Copyright (C) 2022-2023 hatkidchan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. """ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pytest import mark from mastoposter.text import md_escape, node_process def test_md_escape(): assert md_escape(r"text") == r"text" assert md_escape(r"*meow*") == r"\*meow\*" assert md_escape(r"\~test") == r"\\\~test" def test_node_to_plaintext_strip_tag(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain") == "test" def test_node_to_plaintext_tag_a(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain") == "test (https://example.com)" def test_node_to_plaintext_tag_p(): soup = BeautifulSoup('

Lorem ipsum

', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain") == "Lorem ipsum\n\n" def test_node_to_plaintext_tag_br(): soup = BeautifulSoup('


', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain").rstrip() == "test1\ntest2" def test_node_to_plaintext_tag_blockquote(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
Lorem ipsum
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain").rstrip() == "\u258d Lorem ipsum" def test_node_to_plaintext_tag_ul(): soup = BeautifulSoup('', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain") == "\n\u2022 test1\n\u2022 test2" def test_node_to_plaintext_tag_ol(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
  1. test1
  2. test2
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "plain") == "\n1. test1\n2. test2" @mark.parametrize("tag", ["video", "span"]) def test_node_to_markdown_strip_tag(tag): soup = BeautifulSoup('<{0}>test'.format(tag), features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "test" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_a(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "[test](https://example.com)" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_p(): soup = BeautifulSoup('

Lorem ipsum

', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "Lorem ipsum\n\n" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_i(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "*test*" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_b(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "**test**" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_s(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "~~test~~" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_u(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "__test__" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_pre(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
Lorem ipsum
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "\n```Lorem ipsum```\n" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_code(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "`test`" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_blockquote(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
Lorem ipsum
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "> Lorem ipsum" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_br(): soup = BeautifulSoup('


', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown").rstrip() == "test1\ntest2" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_ul(): soup = BeautifulSoup('', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "\n* test1\n* test2" def test_node_to_markdown_tag_ol(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
  1. test1
  2. test2
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "markdown") == "\n1. test1\n2. test2" @mark.parametrize("tag", ["video", "span"]) def test_node_to_html_strip_tag(tag): soup = BeautifulSoup('<{0}>test'.format(tag), features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == "test" @mark.parametrize("tag", ["i", "b", "s", "u", "code"]) def test_node_to_html_keep_tag(tag): html = '<{0}>test'.format(tag) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == html @mark.parametrize("old_tag,new_tag", [("strong", "b"), ("em", "i"), ("del", "s"), ("ins", "u")]) def test_node_to_html_subst_tag(old_tag, new_tag): soup = BeautifulSoup('<{0}>test'.format(old_tag), features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == '<{0}>test'.format(new_tag) def test_node_to_html_tag_a(): html = 'test' soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == html def test_node_to_html_tag_p(): soup = BeautifulSoup('

Lorem ipsum

', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == "Lorem ipsum\n\n" def test_node_to_html_tag_pre(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
Lorem ipsum
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == "\n
Lorem ipsum
\n" def test_node_to_html_tag_blockquote(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
Lorem ipsum
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html").rstrip() == "▍ Lorem ipsum" def test_node_to_html_tag_br(): soup = BeautifulSoup('


', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html").rstrip() == "test1\ntest2" def test_node_to_html_tag_ul(): soup = BeautifulSoup('', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == "\n\u2022 test1\n\u2022 test2" def test_node_to_html_tag_ol(): soup = BeautifulSoup('
  1. test1
  2. test2
', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == "\n1. test1\n2. test2" def test_node_to_html_spoiler(): soup = BeautifulSoup('test', features="lxml") assert node_process(soup, "html") == 'test'