#include #include #include "getchar.h" #include "../processing.h" #include "../module_registry.h" typedef struct { GraphNode as_GraphNode; IOHandling subscription; int32_t namespace; } GetcharGraphNode; static void handle_io(EventPositionBase * self, int fd, bool is_output) { (void) is_output; GetcharGraphNode * node = DOWNCAST(GetcharGraphNode, GraphNode, DOWNCAST(GraphNode, EventPositionBase, self)); char buf[1]; ssize_t status = read(fd, buf, 1); if (status < 0) { perror("Failed to read character"); return; } EventData data = { .code = { .ns = 0, .major = 0, .minor = 1, }, .ttl = 100, .priority = 10, .payload = buf[0], .modifiers = EMPTY_MODIFIER_SET, .time = get_current_time(), }; if (status == 0) { node->subscription.enabled = false; data.code.minor = 2; data.payload = 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < node->as_GraphNode.outputs.length; ++i) { EventNode *ev = event_create(&data); if (!ev) { perror("Failed to create event"); break; } ev->position = &node->as_GraphNode.outputs.elements[i]->as_EventPositionBase; } } static GraphNode * create(GraphNodeSpecification * spec, GraphNodeConfig * config) { GetcharGraphNode * node = T_ALLOC(1, GetcharGraphNode); if (!node) { return NULL; } *node = (GetcharGraphNode) { .as_GraphNode = { .as_EventPositionBase = { .handle_event = NULL, .waiting_new_event = false, }, .specification = spec, .inputs = EMPTY_GRAPH_CHANNEL_LIST, .outputs = EMPTY_GRAPH_CHANNEL_LIST, }, .subscription = { .self = &node->as_GraphNode.as_EventPositionBase, .handle_io = handle_io, .enabled = true, }, .namespace = 0, }; if (config) { config_setting_lookup_int(config->options, "namespace", &node->namespace); } return &node->as_GraphNode; } static void destroy (GraphNodeSpecification * self, GraphNode * target) { (void) self; free(target); } static void register_io(GraphNodeSpecification * self, GraphNode * target, ProcessingState * state) { (void) self; GetcharGraphNode * node = DOWNCAST(GetcharGraphNode, GraphNode, target); io_subscription_list_add(&state->wait_input, fileno(stdin), &node->subscription); } GraphNodeSpecification nodespec_getchar = (GraphNodeSpecification) { .create = &create, .destroy = &destroy, .register_io = ®ister_io, .name = "getchar", }; MODULE_CONSTRUCTOR(init) { register_graph_node_specification(&nodespec_getchar); }