#include #include #include "processing.h" #include "hash_table.h" #include "module_registry.h" union __attribute__((transparent_union)) option_ident { enum { NCOPT_BASE = 0xFF, NCOPT_MODULE_HELP, } as_nonchar; int as_int; // No "as_char" field, because it can cause problems on big-endian CPUs }; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { const char* config_filename = "config.cfg"; while (true) { static const struct option long_options [] = { {"config", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"list-modules", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"module-help", required_argument, NULL, NCOPT_MODULE_HELP}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}}; static const char help_fstring[] = "Usage: %s <[options...]>\n" "Options:\n" "\t--config , -c read configuration from \n" "\t instead of ./config.cfg\n" "\t--help, -h show this message\n" "\t--list-modules, -l list currently loaded node types\n" "\t--module-help print help information provided for node type \n" ; union option_ident opt = {.as_int = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:hl", long_options, NULL)}; if (opt.as_int < 0) { break; } switch (opt.as_int) { case 'c': config_filename = optarg; break; case 'h': printf(help_fstring, argv[0]); return 0; case 'l': { const GraphNodeSpecificationRegistry * reg = get_graph_node_specification_registy(); for (size_t i = 0; i < reg->capacity; ++i) { if (!reg->key_array[i].key.bytes) { continue; } printf("%.*s\n", (int) reg->key_array[i].key.length, reg->key_array[i].key.bytes); } }; return 0; case NCOPT_MODULE_HELP: { GraphNodeSpecification *spec = lookup_graph_node_specification(optarg); if (!spec) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown node type \"%s\"\n", optarg); return 1; } const char* module_help = spec->documentation; if (module_help) { printf("Help for node type \"%s\":\n", optarg); printf("%s\n", module_help); } else { printf("No help provided for node type \"%s\"\n", optarg); } }; return 0; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected option "); if ((unsigned int) opt.as_int <= 0xFF) { fprintf(stderr, "'%c'\n", (char) opt.as_int); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", opt.as_int); } return 1; } } ProcessingState state = (ProcessingState) { .wait_delay = NULL, .reached_time = get_current_time(), }; io_subscription_list_init(&state.wait_input, 5); io_subscription_list_init(&state.wait_output, 5); config_t config_tree; FullConfig loaded_config; config_init(&config_tree); config_read_file(&config_tree, config_filename); config_set_auto_convert(&config_tree, CONFIG_TRUE); if (!load_config(config_root_setting(&config_tree), &loaded_config)) { perror("Failed to load config"); exit(1); } GraphNode **nodes = T_ALLOC(loaded_config.nodes.length, GraphNode*); TYPED_HASH_TABLE(size_t) named_nodes; hash_table_init(&named_nodes, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < loaded_config.nodes.length; ++i) { const char* type_name = loaded_config.nodes.items[i].type; if (!type_name) { fprintf(stderr, "No node type for node %ld \"%s\"\n", i, loaded_config.nodes.items[i].name); exit(1); } GraphNodeSpecification *spec = lookup_graph_node_specification(type_name); if (!spec) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown node type \"%s\" for node %ld \"%s\"\n", type_name, i, loaded_config.nodes.items[i].name); exit(1); } if (!(nodes[i] = graph_node_new(spec, &loaded_config.nodes.items[i], &loaded_config.environment))) { perror("Failed to create node"); fprintf(stderr, "Node %ld \"%s\"\n", i, loaded_config.nodes.items[i].name); exit(1); } if (loaded_config.nodes.items[i].name) { hash_table_insert(&named_nodes, hash_table_key_from_cstr(loaded_config.nodes.items[i].name), &i); } } GraphChannel *channels = T_ALLOC(loaded_config.channels.length, GraphChannel); for (size_t i = 0; i < loaded_config.channels.length; ++i) { const char *node_names[2]; GraphNode *end_nodes[2] = {NULL, NULL}; node_names[0] = loaded_config.channels.items[i].from.name; node_names[1] = loaded_config.channels.items[i].to.name; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { HashTableIndex k = hash_table_find(&named_nodes, hash_table_key_from_cstr(node_names[j])); if (k < 0) { perror("Errno"); fprintf(stderr, "No node named \"%s\"\n", node_names[j]); exit(1); } end_nodes[j] = nodes[named_nodes.value_array[k]]; } graph_channel_init(&channels[i], end_nodes[0], loaded_config.channels.items[i].from.index, end_nodes[1], loaded_config.channels.items[i].to.index ); } for (size_t i = 0; i < loaded_config.nodes.length; ++i) { graph_node_register_io(nodes[i], &state); } while (true) { process_iteration(&state); } hash_table_deinit(&named_nodes); for (ssize_t i = loaded_config.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { graph_node_delete(nodes[i]); } event_destroy_all(); free(channels); free(nodes); reset_config(&loaded_config); event_predicate_reset(); config_destroy(&config_tree); io_subscription_list_deinit(&state.wait_output); io_subscription_list_deinit(&state.wait_input); return 0; }