from configparser import SectionProxy from dataclasses import dataclass from html import escape from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag, PageElement from httpx import AsyncClient from mastoposter.integrations.base import BaseIntegration from mastoposter.types import Attachment, Poll, Status @dataclass class TGResponse: ok: bool params: dict result: Optional[Any] = None error: Optional[str] = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict, params: dict) -> "TGResponse": return cls( ok=data["ok"], params=params, result=data.get("result"), error=data.get("description"), ) class TelegramIntegration(BaseIntegration): API_URL: str = "{}/{}" MEDIA_COMPATIBILITY: Mapping[str, set] = { "image": {"image", "video"}, "video": {"image", "video"}, "gifv": {"gifv"}, "audio": {"audio"}, "unknown": {"unknown"}, } MEDIA_MAPPING: Mapping[str, str] = { "image": "photo", "video": "video", "gifv": "animation", "audio": "audio", "unknown": "document", } def __init__(self, sect: SectionProxy): self.token = sect.get("token", "") self.chat_id = sect.get("chat", "") self.show_post_link = sect.getboolean("show_post_link", True) self.show_boost_from = sect.getboolean("show_boost_from", True) self.silent = sect.getboolean("silent", True) async def _tg_request(self, method: str, **kwargs) -> TGResponse: url = self.API_URL.format(self.token, method) async with AsyncClient() as client: return TGResponse.from_dict( (await, json=kwargs)).json(), kwargs ) async def _post_plaintext(self, text: str) -> TGResponse: return await self._tg_request( "sendMessage", parse_mode="HTML", disable_notification=self.silent, disable_web_page_preview=True, chat_id=self.chat_id, text=text, ) async def _post_media(self, text: str, media: Attachment) -> TGResponse: # Just to be safe if media.type not in self.MEDIA_MAPPING: return await self._post_plaintext(text) return await self._tg_request( "send%s" % self.MEDIA_MAPPING[media.type].title(), parse_mode="HTML", disable_notification=self.silent, disable_web_page_preview=True, chat_id=self.chat_id, caption=text, **{self.MEDIA_MAPPING[media.type]: media.url}, ) async def _post_mediagroup( self, text: str, media: List[Attachment] ) -> TGResponse: media_list: List[dict] = [] allowed_medias = {"image", "gifv", "video", "audio", "unknown"} for attachment in media: if attachment.type not in allowed_medias: continue if attachment.type not in self.MEDIA_COMPATIBILITY: continue allowed_medias &= self.MEDIA_COMPATIBILITY[attachment.type] media_list.append( { "type": self.MEDIA_MAPPING[attachment.type], "media": attachment.url, } ) if len(media_list) == 1: media_list[0].update( { "caption": text, "parse_mode": "HTML", } ) return await self._tg_request( "sendMediaGroup", disable_notification=self.silent, disable_web_page_preview=True, chat_id=self.chat_id, media=media_list, ) async def _post_poll( self, poll: Poll, reply_to: Optional[str] = None ) -> TGResponse: return await self._tg_request( "sendPoll", disable_notification=self.silent, disable_web_page_preview=True, chat_id=self.chat_id, question=f"Poll:{}", reply_to_message_id=reply_to, allow_multiple_answers=poll.multiple, options=[opt.title for opt in poll.options], ) @classmethod def node_to_text(cls, el: PageElement) -> str: if isinstance(el, Tag): if == "a": return '{}'.format( escape(el.attrs["href"]), str.join("", map(cls.node_to_text, el.children)), ) elif == "p": return ( str.join("", map(cls.node_to_text, el.children)) + "\n\n" ) elif == "br": return "\n" return str.join("", map(cls.node_to_text, el.children)) return escape(str(el)) async def __call__(self, status: Status) -> Optional[str]: source = status.reblog or status text = self.node_to_text( BeautifulSoup(source.content, features="lxml") ) text = text.rstrip() if source.spoiler_text: text = "Spoiler: {cw}\n{text}".format( cw=source.spoiler_text, text=text ) if self.show_post_link: text += '\n\nLink to post' % if status.reblog and self.show_boost_from: text = ( 'Boosted post from {}\n'.format( source.account.url, source.account.display_name or source.account.username, ) + text ) ids = [] if not source.media_attachments: if (res := await self._post_plaintext(text)).ok: if res.result: ids.append(res.result["message_id"]) elif len(source.media_attachments) == 1: if ( res := await self._post_media( text, source.media_attachments[0] ) ).ok and res.result is not None: ids.append(res.result["message_id"]) else: if ( res := await self._post_mediagroup( text, source.media_attachments ) ).ok and res.result is not None: ids.append(res.result["message_id"]) if source.poll: if ( res := await self._post_poll( source.poll, reply_to=ids[0] if ids else None ) ).ok and res.result: ids.append(res.result["message_id"]) return str.join(",", map(str, ids)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "" ).format( chat=self.chat_id, show_post_link=self.show_post_link, show_boost_from=self.show_boost_from, silent=self.silent, )