
438 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
import asyncio
from typing import Callable, NewType, Optional
2024-07-05 20:25:46 +03:00
from socketio import AsyncClient, AsyncSimpleClient
import socketio
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout
from aiohttp_socks import ProxyConnector
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageFilter, ImageSequence, ImageChops
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
from base64 import b64decode
from random import choice, randint
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
from json import load
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
from time import time as time_now
import datetime
from contextlib import suppress
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
PixelMap = NewType("PixelMap", dict[int, bool])
Animation = NewType("Animation", tuple[list[PixelMap], float])
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
Font = ImageFont.FreeTypeFont | ImageFont.ImageFont
2024-07-04 16:16:59 +03:00
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
TIMEOUT = ClientTimeout(120)
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
class AsyncBotManager:
def __init__(self, base: str = ""):
self.base = base
self.canvas ="1", (1000, 1000))
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
self.fonts: dict[tuple[str, int], Font] = {
("default", 8): ImageFont.load_default(8)
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
self.difference: PixelMap = PixelMap({})
self._last_update = 0
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
self._shutdown: bool = False
self.avoid: set[int] = set()
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
self.animations: list[Animation] = []
self.animation_functions: list[Callable[[], PixelMap]] = []
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
self._written_boxes = 0
self._read_boxes = 0
self._last_printout = time_now()
self._n_printouts = 0
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
self._active: set[int] = set()
2024-07-07 15:28:38 +03:00
self.reader_event = asyncio.Event()
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
self.ready_event = asyncio.Event()
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
def get_text_image(text: str, font: ImageFont.ImageFont | ImageFont.FreeTypeFont) -> Image.Image:
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
left, top, right, bottom = font.getbbox(text)
2024-07-07 21:31:22 +03:00
with"LA", (int(right - left) + 4, int(bottom - top) + 16), 0) as im:
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.rectangle((0, 0, im.width, im.height), (0, 0))
draw.text((left + 2, top + 2), text, font=font, fill=(255, 0),
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
alpha = im.convert("L").filter(ImageFilter.MaxFilter(5))
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
return im.copy()
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
def get_font(self, font_name: str, size: int = 8):
if (font := self.fonts.get((font_name, size))):
return font
if font_name == "default":
font = ImageFont.load_default(size)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_name, size)
self.fonts[font_name, size] = font
return font
def put_text(self, x: int, y: int, text: str, font: str, size: int = 8):
self.put_image(x, y, self.get_text_image(text, self.get_font(font, size)))
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
def get_image_diff(self, ox: int, oy: int, im: Image.Image) -> PixelMap:
pixmap = PixelMap({})
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(im.width):
l, a = im.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
index = x + ox + (y + oy) * 1000
if a and index not in self.avoid:
pixmap[index] = l > 0
return pixmap
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
def put_image(self, ox: int, oy: int, im: Image.Image):
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(im.width):
l, a = im.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
2024-07-04 16:37:14 +03:00
index = x + ox + (y + oy) * 1000
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
if a:
self.put_bit(index, l > 0)
2024-07-04 16:37:14 +03:00
2024-07-04 17:17:23 +03:00
def put_pixel(self, x: int, y: int, val: bool):
2024-07-07 12:47:06 +03:00
if x > 1000 or y > 1000:
self.put_bit(x + y * 1000, val)
2024-07-04 17:17:23 +03:00
def put_bit(self, index: int, value: bool):
2024-07-07 12:47:06 +03:00
if index not in self.avoid and index < 1000000:
2024-07-04 16:37:14 +03:00
self.difference[index] = value
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
def add_animation(
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
self, ox: int, oy: int, frames: list[Image.Image], spf: float = 1
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
) -> None:
animation = Animation(([], spf))
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
alpha ="L", frames[0].size, 0)
for frame in frames:
frame_la = frame.convert("LA")
frame_alpha = frame_la.getchannel("A")
alpha = ImageChops.add(alpha, frame_alpha)
for frame in frames:
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
frame_la = frame.convert("LA")
pixelmap = PixelMap({})
for y in range(frame_la.height):
for x in range(frame_la.width):
l, a = frame_la.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
ga: int = alpha.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
index = x + ox + (y + oy) * 1000
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
if (a > 128 or ga > 128) and index not in self.avoid:
pixelmap[index] = l > 128 if a > 128 else True
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
def add_avoid_rect(self, sx: int, sy: int, w: int, h: int) -> None:
2024-07-04 16:33:05 +03:00
for y in range(sy, sy + h):
ox = y * 1000
self.add_avoid_range(sx + ox, sx + w + ox)
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
def add_avoid_range(self, start: int, stop: int, step: int = 1) -> None:
self.avoid |= set(range(start, stop, step))
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
def add_avoid_index(self, *indices: int) -> None:
self.avoid |= set(indices)
2024-07-04 16:33:05 +03:00
def get_difference_image(self) -> Image.Image:
with"LA", (1000, 1000), 0) as im:
for index, expected in self.difference.items():
y, x = divmod(index, 1000)
im.putpixel((x, y), (255 if expected else 0, 255))
return im.copy()
def get_avoid_image(self) -> Image.Image:
with"RGB", (1000, 1000), (0, 255, 0)) as im:
for index in self.avoid:
y, x = divmod(index, 1000)
im.putpixel((x, y), (255, 0, 0))
2024-07-04 16:33:05 +03:00
return im.copy()
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
async def listener(self) -> None:
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
async with ClientSession(timeout=TIMEOUT) as http:
print("Getting initial state")
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
async with http.get(f"{self.base}/api/initial-state") as req:
data = await req.json()
buffer = b64decode(data["full_state"].encode() + b"=")
self.canvas.paste(Image.frombytes("1", (1000, 1000), buffer))
self._last_update = data["timestamp"]
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
print("Initial state received")
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
async with AsyncSimpleClient(http_session=http) as sio:
await sio.connect(f"{self.base}/")
while not self._shutdown:
2024-07-07 12:47:06 +03:00
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
async with asyncio.timeout(20):
2024-07-07 12:47:06 +03:00
event, data = await sio.receive()
except TimeoutError:
print("Reading failed")
if not sio.connected:
await sio.connect(f"{self.base}/")
2024-07-07 15:28:38 +03:00
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
if event == "full_state":
buffer = b64decode(data["full_state"].encode() + b"=")
image = Image.frombytes("1", (1000, 1000), buffer)
self._last_update = data["timestamp"]
elif event == "batched_bit_toggles":
bits_on, bits_off, timestamp = data
if timestamp < self._last_update:
self._last_update = timestamp
self._read_boxes += len(bits_on) + len(bits_off)
for ndx in bits_on:
y, x = divmod(ndx, 1000)
self.canvas.putpixel((x, y), 255)
for ndx in bits_off:
y, x = divmod(ndx, 1000)
self.canvas.putpixel((x, y), 0)
print("unknown event", event, data)
now = time_now()
2024-07-07 21:31:22 +03:00
if (now - self._last_printout) > 5:
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
outgoing = self._written_boxes / (now - self._last_printout)
incoming = self._read_boxes / (now - self._last_printout)
2024-07-07 12:47:06 +03:00
print(f"I/O: {incoming:7.2f}/s | {outgoing:7.2f}/s")
print(f"Alive workers: {len(self._active)}")
if len(self._active) < 2 and self._n_printouts > 3:
2024-07-07 21:33:38 +03:00
print("Too few workers, dying!")
self._shutdown = True
self._n_printouts += 1
n_correct, n_wrong = 0, 0
for index, expected in self.difference.items():
y, x = divmod(index, 1000)
actual = self.canvas.getpixel((x, y)) > 0 # type: ignore
if expected != actual:
n_wrong += 1
n_correct += 1
print(f"Invalid: {n_wrong:4d} Valid: {n_correct:4d}")
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
self._written_boxes = 0
self._read_boxes = 0
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
self._last_printout = now
for pixmaps, spf in self.animations:
frame_index = int(now / spf)
pixmaps[frame_index % len(pixmaps)]
for func in self.animation_functions:
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
except Exception as e:
print(f"Listener died: {e!r}")
self._shutdown = True
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
async def writer(
bot_index: int,
proxy_url: Optional[str] = None,
delay: float = 0.25,
proxy = ProxyConnector.from_url(proxy_url) if proxy_url else None
2024-07-07 21:31:22 +03:00
async with ClientSession(connector=proxy, timeout=TIMEOUT) as http:
async with AsyncSimpleClient(http_session=http) as sio:
await sio.connect(f"{self.base}/")
2024-07-07 21:35:41 +03:00
print(f"Writer {bot_index} connected, waiting...")
await self.ready_event.wait()
print(f"Writer {bot_index} running")
2024-07-07 21:31:22 +03:00
offset = 0
while not self._shutdown:
diff = list(self.difference.items())
diff = sorted(diff, key=lambda kv: kv[0])
for _ in range(100):
index, expected = diff[offset % len(diff)]
offset += randint(0, 1000)
y, x = divmod(index, 1000)
current = self.canvas.getpixel((x, y)) > 0 # type: ignore
if current != expected:
self._written_boxes += 1
await sio.emit("toggle_bit", {"index": index})
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
with suppress(BaseException):
await sio.receive(0.1)
print(f"Worker {bot_index} stopped: shutdown")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Worker {bot_index} died: {e!r}")
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
async def __aenter__(self):
self._listener_task = asyncio.create_task(self.listener())
return self
async def __aexit__(self, a, b, c):
self._shutdown = True
await self._listener_task
2024-07-04 20:37:47 +03:00
async def amain() -> None:
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
with open("settings.json", "r") as fp:
settings = load(fp)
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
async with AsyncBotManager() as mgr:
for avoid in settings["avoid"]:
if avoid["type"] == "rect":
avoid["x"], avoid["y"], avoid["w"], avoid["h"]
print("AVOID rectangle {w}x{h}+{x}+{y}".format(**avoid))
elif avoid["type"] == "range":
avoid["start"], avoid["stop"], avoid.get("step", 1)
print("AVOID range {start}-{stop}".format(**avoid))
elif avoid["type"] == "image":
with["path"]).convert("LA") as im:
assert im.width == 1000 and im.height == 1000
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(im.width):
l, a = im.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
if a > 128:
mgr.add_avoid_index(x + y * 1000)
print("AVOID image", avoid["path"])
for elem in settings["elements"]:
if elem["type"] == "text":
mgr.put_text(elem["x"], elem["y"], elem["text"], elem.get("font", "default"), elem.get("size", 8))
print("ADD text", elem)
elif elem["type"] == "text_anim":
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
frames: list[Image.Image] = []
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
for text in elem["lines"]:
frames.append(mgr.get_text_image(text, mgr.get_font(elem.get("font", "default"), elem.get("size", 8))))
2024-07-04 22:31:19 +03:00
mgr.add_animation(elem["x"], elem["y"], frames, elem["spf"])
for frame in frames:
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
print("ADD text animation", elem)
elif elem["type"] == "image":
with["path"]).convert("LA") as im:
mgr.put_image(elem["x"], elem["y"], im)
print("ADD image", elem)
elif elem["type"] == "time":
time_format = elem["format"]
pos_x, pos_y = elem["x"], elem["y"]
font = mgr.get_font(elem.get("font", "default"), elem.get("size", 8))
def update() -> PixelMap:
now =
txt = now.strftime(time_format)
img = mgr.get_text_image(txt, font)
pixmap = mgr.get_image_diff(pos_x, pos_y, img)
return pixmap
elif elem["type"] == "tile":
with["path"]).convert("LA") as im:
for oy in range(elem.get("h", im.height)):
for ox in range(elem.get("w", im.width)):
l, a = im.getpixel((ox % im.width, oy % im.height)) # type: ignore
if a:
x, y = elem["x"] + ox, elem["y"] + oy
index = x + y * 1000
mgr.put_bit(index, l > 0)
print("ADD tile", elem)
elif elem["type"] == "animation":
with["path"]) as anim:
frames: list[Image.Image] = []
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(anim):
mgr.add_animation(elem["x"], elem["y"], frames, elem["spf"])
for frame in frames:
print("ADD animation", elem)
elif elem["type"] == "rgb111":
ox, oy = elem["x"], elem["y"]
with["path"]).convert("RGBA") as im:
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(im.width):
r, g, b, a = im.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
if a < 128:
start_ndx = (x + ox + (y + oy) * 577) * 3
mgr.put_bit(start_ndx, r > 128)
mgr.put_bit(start_ndx + 1, g > 128)
mgr.put_bit(start_ndx + 2, b > 128)
elif elem["type"] == "rgb565":
ox, oy = elem["x"], elem["y"]
with["path"]).convert("RGBA") as im:
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(im.width):
r, g, b, a = im.getpixel((x, y)) # type: ignore
if a < 128:
offset: int = (x + ox + (y + oy) * 250) * 16
# pack rgb888 to rgb565
rgb: int = (r >> 3) << 11
rgb |= (g >> 2) << 5
rgb |= (b >> 3)
# write to a bitstream
for i in range(16):
offset + i, ((rgb << i) & 0x8000) > 0
elif elem["type"] == "rect":
for y in range(elem["y"], elem["y"] + elem["h"]):
for x in range(elem["x"], elem["x"] + elem["w"]):
mgr.put_pixel(x, y, elem["fill"])
elif elem["type"] == "blob":
with open(elem["path"], "rb") as fp:
offset = elem["offset"]
length = elem.get("length", 1000000)
written = 0
while (char :=
byte = char[0]
2024-07-07 15:28:38 +03:00
if written > length:
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
for i in range(8):
if written > length:
mgr.put_bit(offset, bool((byte >> (7 - i)) & 1))
written += 1
offset += 1
print("Starting writers...")
if n_proxies := len(settings["proxies"]):
res = await asyncio.gather(
settings["proxies"][i % n_proxies],
for i in range(settings["n_bots"])
res = await asyncio.gather(
*[mgr.writer(i, None, settings["delay"]) for i in range(settings["n_bots"])],
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
for ret in res:
print("RETURN", repr(ret))
2024-07-07 21:33:38 +03:00
print("Shutting down...")
2024-07-07 19:27:41 +03:00
mgr._shutdown = True
2024-07-05 23:13:39 +03:00
2024-07-03 22:01:42 +03:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2024-07-07 12:47:06 +03:00, debug=True)