#!/bin/bash PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin" # When the script is called details of the notification that triggered it will be passed via environment variables. The following variables are available: DUNST_APP_NAME, DUNST_SUMMARY, DUNST_BODY, DUNST_ICON_PATH, DUNST_URGENCY, DUNST_ID, DUNST_PROGRESS, DUNST_CATEGORY, DUNST_STACK_TAG, DUNST_URLS, DUNST_TIMEOUT, DUNST_TIMESTAMP, DUNST_DESKTOP_ENTRY, and DUNST_STACK_TAG. #date | tee -a /tmp/dunst-events.log; #env | grep DUNST | tee -a /tmp/dunst-events.log; #echo | tee -a /tmp/dunst-events.log; if [ -z "$INNER" ]; then INNER=yes "$0" "$@" >>"/tmp/dunst-entries-$(id -u || echo "$USER").log" 2>&1; exit; fi if [ "$DUNST_TIMEOUT" -eq 0 ]; then exit; fi echo; date; env | grep -iP "^DUNST"; if [ "$DUNST_APP_NAME" = "i3" ] && [ "$DUNST_SUMMARY" = "volume" ]; then exit; fi; if { [ "$DUNST_APP_NAME" = "discord" ] && [ "$DUNST_SUMMARY" = "Diamond" ]; } \ || [[ "$DUNST_SUMMARY" =~ "<3" ]] \ || [[ "$DUNST_SUMMARY" =~ "<22" ]] ; then sfxc play bell; exit; fi; if [ "$DUNST_DESKTOP_ENTRY" = "org.telegram.desktop" ] \ && [[ "$DUNST_SUMMARY" =~ "Gmail Bot" ]] \ || [ "$DUNST_DESKTOP_ENTRY" = "Thunderbird" ]; then sfxc play windows/notify_email; exit; fi; if [ "$DUNST_DESKTOP_ENTRY" = "org.telegram.desktop" ]; then sfxc play telegram; exit; fi; if [ "$DUNST_APP_NAME" = "xfce4-power-manager" ]; then case "$DUNST_BODY" in "System is running on Battery power") ;; "System is running on low power") sfxc play windows/battery_low;; #"Your Battery is charging") sfxc play hl1/medshot4;; #"Your Battery is fully charged") sfxc play hl1/suitchargeok1;; "Your Battery is discharging") ;; Brightness*) sfxc play windows/information_bar;; *) aplay ~/.local/share/sounds/button_select.wav;; esac; exit; #aplay ~/.local/share/sounds/successful_hit.wav; exit; fi; if [ "$DUNST_APP_NAME" = "udiskie" ]; then case "$DUNST_SUMMARY" in "Device added") sfxc play windows/hardware_insert;; "Device unmounted") sfxc play windows/hardware_remove;; *) ;; esac; exit fi # sfxc play windows/notify_system_generic; #case "$DUNST_URGENCY" in # NORMAL) aplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/dialog-information.wav ;; # URGENT) aplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/dialog-warning.wav ;; #esac;