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2023-10-17 15:28:43 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# x-run: python3 % /mnt/windows/Users/user/Music/vgm/night-in-the-woods/2014-lost-constellation /tmp/lost-constellation.dfpwm
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from sys import argv
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import splitext
from math import ceil
TAPE_SIZES = [ 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 ]
input_folder = Path(argv[1])
output_file = Path(argv[2])
with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="tapedrive") as tmpdir_str:
tmpdir = Path(tmpdir_str)
filelist: list[Path] = []
for i, name in enumerate(input_folder.rglob("*.mp3")):
if i >= 48:
print(f"more than 48 tracks, skipping {name}")
encoded_file = tmpdir / (splitext(name.name)[0] + ".dfpwm")
with encoded_file.open("wb") as fout:
with Popen([ DFPWM_ENCODER_EXECUTABLE ], stdout=fout, stdin=PIPE) as dfpwm:
with Popen([ FFMPEG_EXECUTABLE, "-i", name, "-f", "s8", "-ac", "1",
"-ar", "48k", "-" ], stdout=dfpwm.stdin) as ffmpeg:
offset: int = 6000
titles: list[bytes] = []
positions: list[tuple[int, int]] = []
for file in filelist:
titles.append(file.name.removesuffix(".dfpwm").encode("ascii", errors="replace"))
size = ceil(file.stat().st_size / DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE) * DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE
positions.append((offset, size))
offset += size
with output_file.open("wb") as fout:
print("Writing header...")
written_bytes: int = 0
for i in range(48):
name = (titles[i] if i < len(titles) else b"")[:117]
pos = positions[i] if i < len(titles) else (0, 0)
2023-10-17 16:03:16 +03:00
if i < len(titles):
print(f"{i:2d} {pos[0]} + {pos[1]}")
written_bytes += fout.write(pos[0].to_bytes(4, "big"))
written_bytes += fout.write(pos[1].to_bytes(4, "big"))
2023-10-17 15:28:43 +03:00
written_bytes += fout.write(name)
written_bytes += fout.write(b"\x00" * (117 - len(name)))
if written_bytes != 6000:
print(f"!!! expected 6000 bytes to be written in header, but it's {written_bytes}")
print("Writing files...")
for i, (pos, file) in enumerate(zip(positions, filelist)):
print(f"Writing {file.name}")
if written_bytes != pos[0]:
print(f"!!! expected to be at {pos[0]}, rn at {written_bytes}")
with file.open("rb") as fin:
file_size: int = 0
while (chunk := fin.read(DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE)):
file_size += fout.write(chunk)
written_bytes += file_size
padding_size = DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE - (written_bytes % DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE)
written_bytes += fout.write(b"\x00" * padding_size)
print("Use any of those tapes to store properly:")
for size in filter(lambda sz: sz * DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE * 60 >= written_bytes, TAPE_SIZES):
print(f"{size} minutes ({size * DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE * 60} bytes, {written_bytes * 100 / (size * DFPWM_SAMPLE_RATE * 60):7.3f}% used)")